The Intrinsic Value of the Human Person

 The Intrinsic Value of the Human Person


Apart from Revelation, it is difficult to find a direct proof from natural law for the inviolability, sanctity, and dignity of the human person. This is because what is readily visible is the human person as that which procures pleasure, power, or possessions for society. Many people, seeing only these visible aspects believes that this is the purpose of human life.

True love and reverence [on the other hand] opens the eyes to the intrinsic value of the human person. Pride and concupiscence, on the other hand, causes blindness in this sphere. Many in our society are not esteemed as valuable if they do not produce for society.

However, an indirect rational proof for the intrinsic value of human life can be given. We can do this by looking at the consequences of denying it. We can study communism as it existed in the former Soviet Union. Countless millions were killed, enslaved, or unjustly imprisoned under this regime. It's basic premise was that the human individual was simply a means for the machinery of the state.

The human person was not recognized as having value in his or her own right. The horrors of the Soviet system flowed from this. Much of Nazi Germany was based on the eugenics movements of the early twentieth century. In this, the human person is not an end, in which a reverent distance must be maintained, but a mere means - that is, as something to be improved for the sake of society so that he can be a more efficient instrument for society. Nazi Germany followed this idea by killing all who were "unfit."

When man is seen as a mere means, it begs the question: a means for whom? The answer would always be that he is a means for the strong - that is, a means for those who have the power to impose their will. Justice and goodness can only have a foundation in the recognition of the intrinsic value of the human person. In this, one is given one's due simply because it is one's due based on a fundamental sanctity of human life.

From the Article:


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