Euthanasia and Doctor Assisted Suicide

 Euthanasia and Doctor Assisted Suicide


There is a connection between contraception and euthanasia. With euthanasia the personal sphere is also treated as a mere means [as contraception treats the other as a mere means to pleasure]. It could be the means to pleasure, power, status, or possessions.

If this is the case, when a human being is deemed unfit to procure these advantages, the euthanasia mindset says that that human being must die. The euthanasia mindset also fails to see that the personal is an end in itself. Like the contraceptive mindset, the euthanasia mindset declares that what is personal is to be disposed of for selfish gain. The abortion mindset says the same thing.

This euthanasia mindset is also present in those who would mistreat a person, if that person cannot procure some advantage for them, or if that person stands in the way of their own selfish advantage. Many of these adult bullies are around today.

With the personal, there is a dignity and a sanctity with the personal sphere in which a certain reverent distance must be maintained. This is the exact opposite of treating what is personal as something to be "consumed." God has endowed each person's life with profound meaning and purpose.

This applies to the most disabled. Extreme disability or suffering can profoundly purify a soul. This, however, would be meaningless those who see a person's ability to produce goods rather than seeing personal goodness as important.

Disability and suffering can also train caregivers in great virtue. The actions of caregivers also serves as an example to other people as to how others are to be treated. Mother Teresa was a profound example of how to love one's neighbor.

From the Article:


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