Argument Against Contraception

 Argument Against Contraception


The evil of contraception can be understood by natural law as well. Contraception is the deliberate insertion of a dysfunction into the human body (the pill) or the sexual act itself (the condom) to avoid conception.

The evil of contraception is primarily ontological. In contraception that which is eminently personal is being disrupted in its integrity (this is why natural forms of birth control, when used appropriately, are not wrong). The personal transcends the non-personal. It is permissible to manipulate the non-personal, within bounds, for human advantage (such as the cutting of trees or the killing of animals for human consumption). However, it is not permissible to do this sort of thing with the human person.

While the non-personal is a means, the personal is an end in itself. The personal has a sanctity or a dignity so that it is wrong to treat it as a mere means. The integrity of the personal sphere must never be disrupted for personal advantage. this is because the personal is that for the sake that other things exist. This is exactly what contraception does. It causes a dysfunction in the personal sphere for personal advantage. Therefore, it treats the personal sphere as a mere means to be disposed of as one pleases. That is why contraception is evil.

** footnote - legitimate medical procedures that disrupt the body (such as the amputation of a limb or the removal of an organ) are not wrong because it is done to facilitate the integrity of the whole which would otherwise suffer. They are not done merely to procure a subjective pleasure advantage.

From the Article:


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