How is Moral Evil Possible?

 How is Moral Evil Possible?


This raises a question: If the human soul has been created to love and serve God and others, how is the moral evil of satisfying the self at the expense of others possible? To answer this, we must look at the psychology of human consciousness.

From our own point of view, it seems as if we are at the center of reality. A first fundamental act of consciousness makes it appear that we are at the center of a gigantic sphere. In this first act of consciousness, we have maximum awareness of what is closest to us and the further away from us that things are, the less awareness we have of them.

We would have maximum awareness of ourselves because we are at the center of the sphere. Subjectively we would see ourselves as having the most reality and the further away things are, the less reality they would have. What the evil person does is to take this subjective viewpoint and raise it to an absolute.

For the evil person, he really is the "center," and all others are merely a means to serve him. For moral goodness, a second fundamental act of consciousness is required. In this second act, this sphere is transcended and is seen as a mere creation of one's subjectivity and not as things really are. It is then seen that others are centers of equal legitimacy (with God as the ultimate center of reality). The morally good person acts in accordance with this second fundamental act of consciousness.

From the article:



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