The Reason For Suffering

The Reason For Suffering


God's permission for suffering also is natural and organic, rather than artificial and arbitrary. Anger directing at God for the permitting of suffering is unjustified since God has eminently logical reasons for it. It says in My Imitation of Christ: " Indeed if there had been anything better and more beneficial to man's salvation than suffering, Christ certainly would have showed it by word or example." (Book II, Chapter 12).

Although suffering is a mystery in this life, we can gain some insight into the reasons for it and the supreme value that God holds for it. C.S. Lewis said in his book The Problem of Pain says that suffering is the one thing we cannot ignore. [I add] Suffering is the one thing which we must take seriously when we are experiencing it. This is part of the essence of suffering. The deeper suffering is, the more seriously we must take it.

Because of its unique effect of being taken seriously, it has a unique ability to affect us and change us. When sin is experienced as suffering we are much more motivated to get rid of that sin. Suffering, by its very nature, contradicts the pleasure which is at the root of pride and concupiscence. It, therefore, has the power to dissolve pride and concupiscence like nothing else. Since we are all part of a fallen race, we all have some degree of pride and concupiscence, therefore, we all require suffering.

From the Article:


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