Hell is Organic, not Artificial

 Hell is Organic, not Artificial


Divine justice is also organic and natural, rather than arbitrary and artificial. God does not set such-and-such a standard, and if we fail to live up to this standard He condemns us. It is not like that at all.

Hell, rather, is the natural consequence of one's option for evil. When mortal sin is committed, something seriously wrong is chosen for selfish advantage. Taking someone's life because you want his property is an example. More common, is modern idolatry where God and His law are ignored for selfish advantage.

This act of choosing a serious evil causes a hideous deformity to appear in the soul. A deformed act of will causes a deformed state of soul. This is a natural cause and effect link. Now the grace of God is completely incompatible with this deformity, so that when this deformity appears God's grace must depart. Mortal sin and God's grace are contradictory so it is impossible for them to be simultaneous.

If a soul dies unrepentant - that is, if the soul dies with this horrible deformity and without God's grace, it enters eternity without the friendship of God. This eternal state of being without the friendship of God is hell. Hell is eternal because after death, the core of one's being enters a state of timelessness. After death, therefore, one is fixed in either good or evil.

In Hell, God inflicts nothing. Hell is intense suffering because it is the absence of God who is infinite happiness, and it is the absence of God's ordering power which gives peace and repose. Hell is just because it is based on the soul's willingness to reject God.

From the Article: http://thetruephilosophy.blogspot.com/2011/04/dynamics-of-good-and-evil.html


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