Heaven and Hell

 Heaven and Hell


Heaven is the natural result of choosing the will of God over self. When self is emptied (in humility and self giving charity), God has room to enter. When God indwells a soul He brings order to it. A soul with God has peace. When a soul enters eternity in this state, the happiness which is given is infinite.

God is an infinitely simple principle who perfectly harmonizes and unites everything in heaven around Him. Happiness is the abiding in harmony and unity.

In hell, rather than everything being harmonized, everything acts independently. Each person, and each faculty within each person vies for supremacy. The result is unending conflict and torment. This is the end result of attempting to be one's own god.

The forces of liberalism in society, which turns authentic freedom under law into arbitrary license, is creating hell on earth. The attraction of liberalism is an apparent freedom from constraint. However, it is a refusal to act in accordance with natural and divine law which brings harmony and happiness. Pride and concupiscence motivates this. Instead of freedom, it brings slavery to the lower forces of our nature.

Union with God does not take away our freedom, but makes us eminently free. This is because in being united with God we are united with the very cause of our being and action. We can see that the justice of God is natural rather than artificial.

From the Article: http://thetruephilosophy.blogspot.com/2011/04/dynamics-of-good-and-evil.html


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