Argument Against Sex Before Marriage

 Argument Against Sex Before Marriage


God's law against premarital sex can also be seen in the light of natural law. A few decades ago, when a Christian world-view was predominate in our culture, most people adhered to God's law and waited until marriage to have sex. In this day and age, when Christian culture has been largely rejected, most people do not wait until marriage for sex.

Much of the rejection of Christian culture has been caused by the academia. Although there can be a valid science of psychology, as psychology is taught today, it claims that all actions are motivated by some sort of personal gain - that we only do good to receive some benefit in return. It is not acknowledged that good can be done simply because it is good. All transcendence is denied with this. This is related to the practice of sex before marriage.

In the modern anti-Christian secular humanist world view, one's partner is seen only as a means of procuring pleasure and happiness for the self. One enters into an exclusive romantic partnership as a form of a bargain, with each one hoping receive in gain something equivalent to or better than what one gives. That is not the Christian view at all.

With a Christian mindset, one loves one's partner for his or her self. The partner is loved because he or she is intrinsically valuable and precious. The motive is not to gain for oneself, but to make the partner happy. Paradoxically, it is in this seeking of the happiness of the other which secures a genuine and profound happiness for the self. To seek happiness for the self, and to use others as a means to this, is to miss happiness. The most miserable people in the world are those who attempt to find happiness by using others as a mere means to that happiness.

Similarly, God's commandment that sex must be reserved for marriage is based on the fact that sex is a sign of one's commitment to the other and a sign of genuine love for the other that has declared publicly that one will stay with the other until death do them part. Sex outside of marriage declares that one loves the other only as long as one receives the desired benefits. This is because sex is not performed within the context of a life long commitment, but within the context of fond feelings.

Feelings come and go, while a commitment is permanent. When sexual activity is motivated by fond feeling alone, one is saying that the partner is a mere means for personal gain. When one has sex in the context of commitment, one would be saying that the partner is valuable for his or her own sake.

From the Article: 


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